If I may be so bold, I cannot help but mention the observation that PISE is one letter away from the word “PISS”. And I wonder if this may have had some sort of impact(in addition to being slightly humors). I am curious to know if this is just me or there are other observers of this.
I think this was actually mentioned in the original post :
“no one knows how to pronounce the acronym PISE (to rhyme with mice, if you’re interested) and without the ‘Erasmus’ part the acronym spells PIS… yep.”
Thanks for the updated thoughts on this topic.
If I may be so bold, I cannot help but mention the observation that PISE is one letter away from the word “PISS”. And I wonder if this may have had some sort of impact(in addition to being slightly humors). I am curious to know if this is just me or there are other observers of this.
I think this was actually mentioned in the original post :