Don’t know all the LessWrong—EA jargon but is adamantly trying to learn more
Can we all just agree this is just (say this in a California Valley Girl accent) “So EA,” all these are so much the hallmarks of the EA experience that the Spirit of Gorgeous-Locks William MacAskill may well be bursting from you. So regardless about what any of us think about the EAG admissions process : you clearly belong in this community, lol.
On a much more lighthearted note you:
Have a prominent EA you consider your hero (with a photo op!)
Gave up one career to pursue another one you enjoyed less so you can do more good (EtG)
Have done some obscure project that you judged based on numbers instead of feelings was effective, so went for it (TNR kittens)
Have been rejected by at least one EAG
Wrote a lengthy EA Forum post criticizing the EA Community with proposed solutions
Don’t know all the LessWrong—EA jargon but is adamantly trying to learn more
Can we all just agree this is just (say this in a California Valley Girl accent) “So EA,” all these are so much the hallmarks of the EA experience that the Spirit of Gorgeous-Locks William MacAskill may well be bursting from you. So regardless about what any of us think about the EAG admissions process : you clearly belong in this community, lol.