I had a great chat with Quinn who shared some excellent insights about the space! I’m continuing active work on Cosmic, although it’ll probably be at least several months before the alpha is ready, and longer for community features to arrive. We’re excited by lots of use cases. Since you run a directory project, one relevant use case is creating organized, interoperable, and collectively updated collections of structured community knowledge, like all of the EA orgs, projects, etc. in existence.
I had a great chat with Quinn who shared some excellent insights about the space! I’m continuing active work on Cosmic, although it’ll probably be at least several months before the alpha is ready, and longer for community features to arrive. We’re excited by lots of use cases. Since you run a directory project, one relevant use case is creating organized, interoperable, and collectively updated collections of structured community knowledge, like all of the EA orgs, projects, etc. in existence.