I feel like a lot of the ideas aren’t really perceived as that weird, when I’ve discussed EA in intellectual circles unfamiliar with the concept? “Charity should first go to the most needy” is something most people espouse, even if they don’t actually put it into action. A lot of my liberal friends are vegetarian or vegan for one reason or another and have strong opinions on animal abuse. The single most common complaint about politics is that it focuses too much on short-term incentives instead of long-term issues. That covers the top three; AI takeover? The only socially weird thing is how seriously the EA takes it, but everyone has an idea of what AI takeover might look like. Many people disagree with EAs, but not more than people disagree with, say, climate change activists.
I feel like a lot of the ideas aren’t really perceived as that weird, when I’ve discussed EA in intellectual circles unfamiliar with the concept? “Charity should first go to the most needy” is something most people espouse, even if they don’t actually put it into action. A lot of my liberal friends are vegetarian or vegan for one reason or another and have strong opinions on animal abuse. The single most common complaint about politics is that it focuses too much on short-term incentives instead of long-term issues. That covers the top three; AI takeover? The only socially weird thing is how seriously the EA takes it, but everyone has an idea of what AI takeover might look like. Many people disagree with EAs, but not more than people disagree with, say, climate change activists.