To reuse your example, if you were the only person the perpetrator of the heist could con into lending their car to act as a getaway vehicle, then that would make P(Heist happens | Your actions) quite a bit higher than P(Heist happens | You acting differently), but you would still be primarily a mark or (minor) victim of the crime
Yes, this is a good point. I notice that I don’t in fact feel very moved by arguments that P(FTX exists | EA exists) is higher, I think for this reason. So perhaps I shouldn’t have brought that argument up, since I don’t think it’s the crux (although I do think it’s true, it’s just over-determining the conclusion).
Yes, this is a good point. I notice that I don’t in fact feel very moved by arguments that P(FTX exists | EA exists) is higher, I think for this reason. So perhaps I shouldn’t have brought that argument up, since I don’t think it’s the crux (although I do think it’s true, it’s just over-determining the conclusion).