Thanks for writing this PSA, this was interesting! Re: the list of eligible countries, if I’m understanding your long-form post correctly, where you live and what nationality you have don’t matter for this process, which took me a while to understand.
So I’m wondering if this paragraph:
Unless you live in a country which already has really significant migration to the US (list below, but note that UK nationals can apply this year), you can probably enter that lottery.
Would be clearer if rephrased as:
Unless you were born in a country which already has really significant migration to the US (list below, but note that UK born people can apply this year), you can probably enter that lottery.
Even if you were born in an ineligible country, you could be eligible if your parents or spouse were born in an eligible country.
And same note for this paragraph:
Countries whose chargeable nationals can’t apply this year
Note that this application round UK nationals once again qualify—this will likely be of interest to UK EAs who were unable to apply last year. The list is otherwise unchanged.
To something like, “You are ineligible for the application round if you were born in one of the following countries”, and swap out the word “nationals”.
Thanks for writing this PSA, this was interesting! Re: the list of eligible countries, if I’m understanding your long-form post correctly, where you live and what nationality you have don’t matter for this process, which took me a while to understand.
So I’m wondering if this paragraph:
Would be clearer if rephrased as:
Unless you were born in a country which already has really significant migration to the US (list below, but note that UK born people can apply this year), you can probably enter that lottery.
Even if you were born in an ineligible country, you could be eligible if your parents or spouse were born in an eligible country.
And same note for this paragraph:
To something like, “You are ineligible for the application round if you were born in one of the following countries”, and swap out the word “nationals”.
Thanks heaps Angelina—I agree. Thanks for pointing out the need for clarification.