Thanks for writing up this work, Zoe. I’m pleased to see a list of explicit recommendations for effective charities to consider in framing their requests for donations.
Selfishly, I’m also pleased that our paper (Saeri et al 2022) turned up in your search!
It’s be interesting to understand your motivations for the literature review and what you might do next with these findings / recommendations.
One thing that our paper necessarily didn’t do was aggregate from individual studies (it only included systematic reviews and meta-anlayses). So it’s interesting to see some of the other effects out there that haven’t yet been subject to a review.
Thanks for writing up this work, Zoe. I’m pleased to see a list of explicit recommendations for effective charities to consider in framing their requests for donations.
Selfishly, I’m also pleased that our paper (Saeri et al 2022) turned up in your search!
It’s be interesting to understand your motivations for the literature review and what you might do next with these findings / recommendations.
One thing that our paper necessarily didn’t do was aggregate from individual studies (it only included systematic reviews and meta-anlayses). So it’s interesting to see some of the other effects out there that haven’t yet been subject to a review.