Very impressed by your website :-) What did you use to make it? What is the ‘artistic motivation’ behind creating a mostly realistic investment firm website?
As you say, I personally don’t like labels too much. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn here :-) Wish you the best with your growth!
Thanks! It’s mainly Bootstrap on top of some free website templates. I’m interested by how design and marketing can influence people into thinking something has authority, weight, believability.
Thank you for writing this: I’m interested by how design and marketing can influence people into thinking something has authority, weight, believability.
I am also interested in this, but it was not quite that clear in my mind until I read your phrasing of it.
Beyond this, I think the mapping between the (structure & content of a question) and (the answers to the question that people give) is very interesting. Studying this idea could be useful if one wants to know how survey questions can be optimized to reduce the disparity between subjective evaluations of a behavior or action and the answerer’s actual behavior. Or it could be useful if one wants to know which question phrasings or sequence of questions can most accurately evaluate how depressed or fulfilled a person is, across their mood distribution and across general human mood distributions.
That’s a really cool interest :D What have you done so far to measure how design and marketing can influence people into thinking something has authority?
Very impressed by your website :-) What did you use to make it? What is the ‘artistic motivation’ behind creating a mostly realistic investment firm website?
As you say, I personally don’t like labels too much. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn here :-) Wish you the best with your growth!
Thanks! It’s mainly Bootstrap on top of some free website templates. I’m interested by how design and marketing can influence people into thinking something has authority, weight, believability.
Thank you for writing this: I’m interested by how design and marketing can influence people into thinking something has authority, weight, believability.
I am also interested in this, but it was not quite that clear in my mind until I read your phrasing of it.
Beyond this, I think the mapping between the (structure & content of a question) and (the answers to the question that people give) is very interesting. Studying this idea could be useful if one wants to know how survey questions can be optimized to reduce the disparity between subjective evaluations of a behavior or action and the answerer’s actual behavior. Or it could be useful if one wants to know which question phrasings or sequence of questions can most accurately evaluate how depressed or fulfilled a person is, across their mood distribution and across general human mood distributions.
That’s a really cool interest :D What have you done so far to measure how design and marketing can influence people into thinking something has authority?