How often did you read an article to then forget it? With these 300+ flashcards, you can memorize key facts and test your knowledge of pressing world problems such as animal welfare, global health, longtermism, and meta-effective altruism. Get these flashcards at your fingertips from Thought Saver in the four embedded quizzes below, or download the Anki decks at the bottom.
[Note: Sources are in the Thought Saver/Anki flashcards, as I didn’t want to fill this post with links. Also, applying and understanding is more valuable than memorizing facts—see Bloom’s Taxonomy. My favorite sources to dig deeper are Our World in Data, 80,000 Hours’ problem profiles, and Doing Good Betterby William MacAskill.]
Animal Welfare
1% of US animal donations went to farmed animal organisations in 2015
3,000 US farm animals were killed for every shelter animal death in 2015
3% of US donations were aimed at helping the environment or animals in 2020
75% of agricultural land is used for livestock (including grazing and land to grow animal feed)
30B chickens were alive in 2020
A centralized nervous system is what enables animals to have experiences
Animal shelters received 65% of US animal donations in 2015
Broiler chickens in factory farms are usually killed when 6 weeks old
China is the country that produces the most meat in tons
China is the country that produces the most pigmeat
China is the country that produces the most seafood
Clean meat Meat grown in cell culture rather than in an animal’s body
Cows eat 6 calories for each calorie of beef produced
Does the majority of seafood production come from wild fish catch or fish farming? Fish farming
Eating 300 eggs indirectly kills one chicken
Eating 3,000 calories of chicken meat kills one chicken
Effective animal campaigns affect 10-100 chicken-life years per $ spent
Farmed hens make 20 times as many eggs as they were born to do
Fish farming has increased 50-fold globally from 1960 until 2015
Flexitarian A person who has a primarily vegetarian diet but occasionally eats meat or fish An online tool ranking animal foods based on suffering and emissions
Global meat production grew 200% between 1970-2020
Humanity farmed 1 trillion insects in 2020
Humanity killed 100B farmed fish in 2017
Humanity killed 2,000 land animals every second in 2016
Humanity killed 300B farmed shrimp in 2017
Humanity killed 69B farmed chickens for meat in 2018
Humanity killed 70B land animals in 2016
Less than 0.1% of global donations are aimed at helping farmed animals
Mark Post developed the first cultured meat hamburger in 2013
Open Wing Alliance A coalition aiming to eliminate battery cages for chickens
Over 90% of global farm animals lived in intensive farms in 2018
Peter Singer wrote Animal Liberation
Speciesism Treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species
Switching to a plant-based diet spares 100 vertebrates every year (mostly fish and chicken)
The average meat consumption per capita in China has grown 15-fold since 1961
The average meat consumption per capita in China was 60kg in 2017
The average meat consumption per capita in India was 4kg in 2017
The average meat consumption per capita in the United States was 120kg in 2017
The average global meat consumption per capita has grown from 20kg to 40kg between 1961-2014
The EU will ban cages for farmed chickens by 2027
The Humane League launched the Open Wing Alliance
The United States is the country that produces the most cattle and poultry
Three foods to avoid that remove the most animal suffering from your diet -Chicken -Eggs -Fish
Top Charities recommended by Animal Charity Evaluators in 2021 -Faunalytics -The Humane League -Wild Animal Initiative
Which animal is by far the most globally slaughtered for meat? Chickens. (In 2018, humanity slaughtered for meat 69B chickens, 1.5B pigs, 600M turkeys, 600M sheep, 500M goats, and 300M cattle)
Which three animals produce the most global meat in tons? 1) Poultry 2) Pigs 3) Cattle
Global Health and Development
1 micromort = 1 in 1M chance of dying
1 micromort = 30 minutes of expected life lost if you’re 20 years old
1.5M people died from vaccine-preventable diseases globally in 2019
1B people lacked access to electricity globally in 2016
200M Indians lived in extreme poverty in 2015
3B people lacked access to clean cooking fuels globally in 2016
30% of the global population lived in a democracy in 2020
40% of deaths of Nigerian children under 5 years old were vaccine-preventable in 2021
5M children younger than 5 died globally in 2020
55% of the global population lived in urban areas in 2020
60M people died globally in 2021
700M people lived in extreme poverty globally in 2018
80% of the global extremely poor lived in rural areas in 2014
800M Chinese people got out of extreme poverty between 1980-2020
80M Nigerians lived in extreme poverty in 2021
90% of people lived in extreme poverty in 1800
A person is considered to be in extreme poverty if they live on less than $2.15 per day
Air pollution from fossil fuels kills at least 4M people every year
Air pollution from inefficient cooking practices kills 4M people every year
Alcohol killed 3M people globally in 2016
An antimalarial bed lasts for 2 years
By donating 10% of their income to the Against Malaria Foundation, US college graduates can save more than 2 lives every year
Cancer killed 10M people globally in 2020
Cardiovascular diseases killed 18M people globally in 2019
Cash transfers Direct payments, typically by governments or nonprofits, made to eligible groups of people
China is planning 150 new nuclear reactors by 2035
DALY stands for Disability-Adjusted Life Year
Donating an antimalarial bed net cost $5 in 2020
Farm workers in Sub-Saharan Africa are 50% less productive than the global average (in terms of the ratio between agricultural value added in $ and number of farm workers)
GiveDirectly Charity that gives direct cash transfers to people living in extreme poverty
GiveWell Charity evaluator within global health and development
GiveWell aims to raise $1B every year by 2025
GiveWell raised $500M for recommended charities in 2021
GiveWell researches charities that can absorb $10M+ of annual funding
GiveWell’s top charities are 10X more cost-effective than cash transfers
Global Burden of Disease A research program that assesses mortality and disability from major diseases
Global life expectancy increased by 40 years between 1900-2020
Happier Lives Institute Organisation that researches the best ways to increase global wellbeing
Happier Lives Institute: StrongMinds is 10X as effective as cash transfers
Holden Karnofsky co-founded GiveWell and Open Philanthropy
Homicide killed 400,000 people globally in 2019
In low-income countries, annual mental health spending was $0.02 per person in 2017
In Nigeria, $10 of cash incentives per infant can double the vaccination rate
In Sub-Saharan Africa, 40% of people lived in extreme poverty in 2018
India is the country with the most people living in extreme poverty
Intestinal worms affected 1B people globally in 2014
It cost $5,000 to help save a life from malaria in 2020
Malaria killed 600,000 people globally in 2019
Mental health disorders accounted for 5% of the global burden of disease in 2019
New Incentives An organisation giving cash to boost child vaccinations in Nigeria
Obesity killed 5M people globally in 2019
Opioid overdoses killed 70,000 people in 2021 in the US
QALY A measure of the improvement in quality and quantity of life lived to assess an intervention.
QALY stands for Quality-Adjusted Life Year
Road traffic crashes kill 1M people every year globally
Shenzen became China’s first Special Economic Zone in 1980
Shenzen had 50,000 people in 1980
Smallpox killed 400M people in the 20th century
Snakebites kill 100,000 people every year globally
Suicide killed 800,000 people globally in 2019
Terrorism killed 25,000 people globally in 2017
The Bubonic Plague killed 200M people in the 1300s
The eradication of smallpox saved 200M lives globally between 1980-2020
The global deaths of children under 5 years old decreased from 12M in 1990 to 5M in 2017
The Spanish Flu killed 50M people
Tobacco kills 8M people every year globally
Universal basic income A government program of periodic cash payments unconditionally delivered to every adult and sufficient to pay for a person’s basic needs
Unsafe water killed 1M people globally in 2017
Vaccines prevent 2M global deaths every year
Wars killed 50,000 people globally in 2020
Why are mental health disorders underestimated at 5% of the global burden of disease? Suicide and self-harm aren’t included in mental health disorders
WW2 killed 70M people
80,000 Hours: “Focus on green tech that is unpopular (e.g. nuclear) or unknown (e.g. hot rock geothermal) or unsexy (e.g. decarbonise cement)”
100B humans have lived since the start of humanity
AI alignment Ensuring that AI systems help rather than harm humans
AI takeoff Period of transition during which an advanced AI might acquire superhuman intellectual capacity
Alan Robock: In case of full-scale nuclear war, the global average temperature would drop by 7℃ for 5 years, then gradually recover over 10 more years
ALLFED researches events that could deplete food supplies for more than 5% of the global population
Annual global spending on climate change was over $600B in 2020
Anthropogenic existential risks arise from humans rather than nature
Artificial General Intelligence An AI that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can
Broad interventions focus on unforeseeable long-term benefits from ripple effects, while narrow interventions aim for specific effects
By traveling at 1% the speed of light, humanity can colonise the galaxy in 100M years
Castle Bravo was the most powerful US nuclear detonation
Center for Security and Emerging Technology The largest AI policy research center in the United States
Climate engineering Intentional, large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate system (e.g., to counter climate change)
Cluelessness Radical uncertainty about the long-term effects of our actions
Cognitive enhancement Intervention in the brain that improves attention, concentration, and information processing
DeepMind developed AlphaZero to play chess and go
DeepMind is owned by Alphabet (Google)
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy estimated the chance of nuclear war was between 33-50%
Elon Musk: “At the start of Tesla, I thought we had (optimistically) a 10% chance of surviving at all.”
Elon Musk: Humanity will land on Mars in 2026-2031
Existential risk A risk that threatens the destruction of humanity’s long-term potential
Fermi paradox Inconsistency between the lack of evidence of aliens and the high estimates for its probability
Geomagnetic storm A disturbance in Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere caused by bursts of radiation and particles from the Sun
Global catastrophic risk An event that could damage human well-being on a global scale
Great Filter A barrier to the development of intelligence that makes us not see alien life
Hinge of history A hypothetical time in human history in which humanity has disproportionate influence over the long-term future
Holden Karnofsky: there’s a 50% chance of transformative AI by 2060
How many countries have nuclear weapons? Nine
Humanity can affect a maximum of 5% of the observable galaxies
If we burned all fossil fuels in the ground, CO2 would reach 2,000 ppm
In the worst-case global warming scenario, the global average temperature could rise by 13℃ by 2100
Is China part of the International Space Station? No
Kessler Syndrome Space pollution in Earth’s orbit could cause collisions between objects that cause even more collisions
Lethal autonomous weapons Weapon systems that use AI to identify, select, and kill targets without human intervention
Manhattan Project Research project to develop an atomic bomb during World War II
Nick Bostrom founded the Future of Humanity Institute
Nick Bostrom wrote Letter from Utopia
Nick Bostrom wrote The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant
North Korea has been the only nation conducting nuclear test detonations since 1999
Nuclear winter Severe cooling of Earth after a large-scale nuclear war
OpenAI developed GPT-3
OpenAI received a $1B investment from Microsoft
Oracle AI AI system that only answers questions
Public good A good or service that everyone can use
Renewables accounted for 10% of global primary energy in 2019
Russia is the country with the most nuclear warheads
S-risks stand for suffering risks
Sam Altman and Elon Musk co-founded OpenAI
Sam Altman is CEO of OpenAI
SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy can launch a kg of payload into space for $1,500
Suffering risks Future events with the potential capacity to produce an astronomical amount of suffering
Superintelligence A hypothetical agent that possesses intelligence far surpassing that of the brightest humans
The atomic bomb was 1,000X more powerful than conventional bombs
The Black Death killed more than 10% of the global population
The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in 1962
The Doomsday Clock was set to 100 seconds to midnight in 2020
The Observable Universe has 10²² stars
The energy of one star could power 10⁴² computations per second
The Future of Life Institute organised the World Building Contest
The global average temperature increased by 1.2℃ since pre-industrial times
The Hubble Ultra-Deep Field image contains 10,000 galaxies
The hydrogen bomb was 1,000X stronger than the atomic bomb
The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale has 7 levels
The MacArthur Foundation was the largest grantmaker in nuclear security
The Trinity Test was the first nuclear detonation
The Tsar Bomba’s yield was 50 megatons (4,000-fold the Hiroshima bomb)
The Tsar Bomba was the largest atomic test in history
The World Building Contest is set in the year 2045
There are 100B stars in the Milky Way
There are more than 10,000 nuclear warheads globally
There were more than 60,000 nuclear warheads globally in the 1980s
Three existential risks according to Elon Musk: -Declining birthrates -AI -Religious extremism
Three types of civilisations (Kardashev scale) I) Use all energy on their planet II) Use all energy of their host star III) Use all energy of their galaxy
Three types of existential catastrophes -Extinction -Unrecoverable collapse -Unrecoverable dystopia
Toby Ord wrote The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity
Toby Ord: Existential from unforeseen anthropogenic risks in the next century is 1⁄30
Toby Ord: Existential risk from pandemics in the next century is 1⁄30
Toby Ord: Existential risk in the next century is 1⁄6
Toby Ord’s four regions of the Universe 1) Affectable: where current events will be visible from Earth (20B galaxies) 2) Observable: what we can now see (400B galaxies) 3) Eventually Observable: what we will be able to see from Earth (1 trillion galaxies) 4) Ultimately Observable: what we might be able to see with travel (2 trillion galaxies)
Transhumanism A movement which advocates for human longevity and cognition enhancement using technology
Two historical causes for which humanity lost more than 10% of the global population -Wars (e.g., Gengis Khan) -Pandemics (e.g., Black Death)
Vasily Arkhipov Soviet Navy officer who prevented nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis
Warning shot A global catastrophe that increases awareness about similar future risks and thus reduces the probability of an existential catastrophe
Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapons whose destructive capacity far exceeds that of conventional weaponry
Weapons of Mass Destruction include nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
Whole brain emulation Scanning a brain to transfer or copy it to a computer
Windfall Clause Proposal to make AI firms commit to donate a significant amount of any eventual huge profits
With each doubling of installed capacity, the price of solar modules declines by 20%
Meta-Effective Altruism
5% of EAs live outside of the US and Europe
70% of EAs are male
0.7% of people in the US were incarcerated in 2018
80,000 Hours formula for the right career: (Career Capital + Impact + Supportive conditions) x Personal Fit
80,000 Hours had more than 150,000 newsletter subscribers in 2021
80,000 Hours: “The biggest risk to our productivity is probably back pain”
80,000 Hours’ three key career stages 1) Explore interests with low-cost tests (18-24 years) 2) Invest in your career capital (25-35 years) 3) Deploy career capital to solve problems (36+ years)
80,000 Hours’ top three recommended career paths: 1) AI Safety research 2) AI policy 3) Founder tackling the most pressing problems
80% of EAs are <35 years old
Altruistic wager Act as if something (e.g., insect sentience) is true because it seems ethically right, even if it isn’t likely
An average income of €2,700 per month places you in the top 1% globally
Benjamin Todd and William MacAskill co-founded 80,000 Hours
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett co-founded the Giving Pledge
Cause neutrality Distributing resources based on maximising impact, irrespective of the beneficiary or intervention
Cause X Moral problem that will make us think, “We were barbarians!”
Charity Entrepreneurship received 3,000 applicants in 2020
Charity Entrepreneurship wrote How to Launch a High-Impact Nonprofit
Charity Entrepreneurship: starting a high-impact charity has the same impact as donating $200,000 to the most effective NGOs every year
Imposter syndrome Doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud
Infinite ethics Branch of philosophy that studies the ethical implications of living in an infinite universe
Information hazard The risk from the dissemination of true information
Is Founders Pledge legally binding? Yes
Is the Giving What We Can Pledge legally binding? No
Julia Galef hosted the Rationally Speaking podcast
Julia Galef wrote The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don’t
Karolina Sarek and Joey Savoie co-founded Charity Entrepreneurship
Karolina Sarek’s three rules for research -Reach conclusions -Affect decision-making -Compare alternatives equally
Land use reform Changing legislation regulating dense housing construction in cities
Long reflection A long future period during which humanity figures out what we value
Minimal trust investigation Suspend your trust in others to understand something by yourself
Moral circle The circle of beings whose interests humans are willing to value similar to their own
Moral parliament Act as if you’re run by a Parliament with members who believe in A and others who believe in B.
Moral patient Being that is intrinsically valuable
Neartermism The philosophical position where it’s better to help people sooner rather than later
Open Philanthropy donated $300M to GiveWell-recommended charities in 2021
Open Philanthropy donated $400M in 2021
Open Philanthropy seeks benefits of $100 for every $1 spent in the US
Peter Singer wrote The Life You Can Save
Philip Tetlock wrote Superforecasting The Art and Science of Prediction
Quadratic Voting A system where a voter votes not just for or against an issue, but also expresses how strongly he feels about it
Question of moral patienthood Question on how to weigh the interests of animals, future people, or digital agents
Randomised controlled trial A scientific experiment used to control factors not under direct experimental control
Red team An independent group that challenges an organisation or movement to improve it
Robert Wiblin hosts the 80,000 Hours podcast
Room for more funding A measure of an organisation’s capacity to absorb additional donations
Sam Bankman forecasted that FTX had a 20% chance of success at the beginning
Sam Bankman founded crypto exchange FTX and is the richest Forbes Under 30
Sam Harris hosts the Making Sense podcast
SoGive An online tool that lets donors see the impact of their donations
Spark Wave developed the flashcard web app Thought Saver
Spark Wave developed the rationality-tools website Clearer Thinking
Spencer Greenberg founded the startup foundry Spark Wave
Spencer Greenberg hosts the Clearer Thinking podcast
The company with the most EAs is Alphabet
The FTX Future Fund grants a minimum of $100,000
The FTX Future Fund plans to deploy $100M in 2022
The inside view forecasts based on the problem details, while the outside view looks at similar past situations
The Scared Straight program cost society $200 for every $1 spent
The United States is the country with the highest incarceration rate
There are 1.5M nonprofits in the US
There were 7,000 active EAs in 2020
Thinking at the margin Assessing the impact of a decision by considering the effects of spending an additional unit of resources
Three factors affecting your job’s impact -Problem: How large, neglected, and tractable is it? -Opportunity: How effective is your intervention at solving the problem? -Personal fit: How suited are you for the opportunity?
Three factors in the ITN Framework Importance, Tractability and Neglectedness
Three main cause areas within EA -Global Health and Development -Animal Welfare -Longtermism
Three methods to sort charity ideas -Cost-Effectiveness Analysis -Interview Experts -Weighted Factor Model
Three neglected climate solutions according to Founders Pledge -Carbon capture and storage -Nuclear energy -Heavy transport (planes, ships, trucks)
Three types of career capital -Skills -Connections -Credentials
Three types of information hazards -Ideas -Data -Attention
Toby Ord and William MacAskill co-founded Giving What We Can
Total pledges for EA-related causes were at $50B in 2021
Tractability The fraction of a problem that would be solved if additional resources were devoted to it
Two highly ineffective programs -PlayPumps -Scared Straight
Unilateralist’s curse The risk of causing unintentional harm increases with the number of altruists
Value drift Over time, people might become less motivated to do altruistic things
Vox writes the Future Perfect newsletter on EA
William MacAskill founded the Forethought Foundation
William MacAskill will publish What We Owe The Future in August of 2022
William MacAskill wrote Doing Good Better
Anki Decks
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Thank You
I would like to thank Florence Hinder and Spencer Greenberg for their feedback and work to promote flashcards with Thought Saver, Cillian Crosson for inspiring me to embark on EA full-time, the team at Our World in Data for distilling pressing topics, the curators of the EA Forum topics for mapping key EA concepts, and whoever I mentioned in the flashcards for making something worth remembering. If I didn’t mention something amazing that you created, let me know in the comments or Google Doc or send me a private message, and I’ll add you :)
300+ Flashcards to Tackle Pressing World Problems
How often did you read an article to then forget it? With these 300+ flashcards, you can memorize key facts and test your knowledge of pressing world problems such as animal welfare, global health, longtermism, and meta-effective altruism. Get these flashcards at your fingertips from Thought Saver in the four embedded quizzes below, or download the Anki decks at the bottom.
[Note: Sources are in the Thought Saver/Anki flashcards, as I didn’t want to fill this post with links. Also, applying and understanding is more valuable than memorizing facts—see Bloom’s Taxonomy. My favorite sources to dig deeper are Our World in Data, 80,000 Hours’ problem profiles, and Doing Good Better by William MacAskill.]
Animal Welfare
1% of US animal donations went to farmed animal organisations in 2015
3,000 US farm animals were killed for every shelter animal death in 2015
3% of US donations were aimed at helping the environment or animals in 2020
75% of agricultural land is used for livestock (including grazing and land to grow animal feed)
30B chickens were alive in 2020
A centralized nervous system is what enables animals to have experiences
Animal shelters received 65% of US animal donations in 2015
Broiler chickens in factory farms are usually killed when 6 weeks old
China is the country that produces the most meat in tons
China is the country that produces the most pigmeat
China is the country that produces the most seafood
Clean meat
Meat grown in cell culture rather than in an animal’s body
Cows eat 6 calories for each calorie of beef produced
Does the majority of seafood production come from wild fish catch or fish farming?
Fish farming
Eating 300 eggs indirectly kills one chicken
Eating 3,000 calories of chicken meat kills one chicken
Effective animal campaigns affect 10-100 chicken-life years per $ spent
Farmed hens make 20 times as many eggs as they were born to do
Fish farming has increased 50-fold globally from 1960 until 2015
A person who has a primarily vegetarian diet but occasionally eats meat or fish
An online tool ranking animal foods based on suffering and emissions
Global meat production grew 200% between 1970-2020
Humanity farmed 1 trillion insects in 2020
Humanity killed 100B farmed fish in 2017
Humanity killed 2,000 land animals every second in 2016
Humanity killed 300B farmed shrimp in 2017
Humanity killed 69B farmed chickens for meat in 2018
Humanity killed 70B land animals in 2016
Less than 0.1% of global donations are aimed at helping farmed animals
Mark Post developed the first cultured meat hamburger in 2013
Open Wing Alliance
A coalition aiming to eliminate battery cages for chickens
Over 90% of global farm animals lived in intensive farms in 2018
Peter Singer wrote Animal Liberation
Treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species
Switching to a plant-based diet spares 100 vertebrates every year (mostly fish and chicken)
The average meat consumption per capita in China has grown 15-fold since 1961
The average meat consumption per capita in China was 60kg in 2017
The average meat consumption per capita in India was 4kg in 2017
The average meat consumption per capita in the United States was 120kg in 2017
The average global meat consumption per capita has grown from 20kg to 40kg between 1961-2014
The EU will ban cages for farmed chickens by 2027
The Humane League launched the Open Wing Alliance
The United States is the country that produces the most cattle and poultry
Three foods to avoid that remove the most animal suffering from your diet
Top Charities recommended by Animal Charity Evaluators in 2021
-The Humane League
-Wild Animal Initiative
Which animal is by far the most globally slaughtered for meat?
(In 2018, humanity slaughtered for meat 69B chickens, 1.5B pigs, 600M turkeys, 600M sheep, 500M goats, and 300M cattle)
Which three animals produce the most global meat in tons?
1) Poultry
2) Pigs
3) Cattle
Global Health and Development
1 micromort = 1 in 1M chance of dying
1 micromort = 30 minutes of expected life lost if you’re 20 years old
1.5M people died from vaccine-preventable diseases globally in 2019
1B people lacked access to electricity globally in 2016
200M Indians lived in extreme poverty in 2015
3B people lacked access to clean cooking fuels globally in 2016
30% of the global population lived in a democracy in 2020
40% of deaths of Nigerian children under 5 years old were vaccine-preventable in 2021
5M children younger than 5 died globally in 2020
55% of the global population lived in urban areas in 2020
60M people died globally in 2021
700M people lived in extreme poverty globally in 2018
80% of the global extremely poor lived in rural areas in 2014
800M Chinese people got out of extreme poverty between 1980-2020
80M Nigerians lived in extreme poverty in 2021
90% of people lived in extreme poverty in 1800
A person is considered to be in extreme poverty if they live on less than $2.15 per day
Air pollution from fossil fuels kills at least 4M people every year
Air pollution from inefficient cooking practices kills 4M people every year
Alcohol killed 3M people globally in 2016
An antimalarial bed lasts for 2 years
By donating 10% of their income to the Against Malaria Foundation, US college graduates can save more than 2 lives every year
Cancer killed 10M people globally in 2020
Cardiovascular diseases killed 18M people globally in 2019
Cash transfers
Direct payments, typically by governments or nonprofits, made to eligible groups of people
China is planning 150 new nuclear reactors by 2035
DALY stands for Disability-Adjusted Life Year
Donating an antimalarial bed net cost $5 in 2020
Farm workers in Sub-Saharan Africa are 50% less productive than the global average (in terms of the ratio between agricultural value added in $ and number of farm workers)
Charity that gives direct cash transfers to people living in extreme poverty
Charity evaluator within global health and development
GiveWell aims to raise $1B every year by 2025
GiveWell raised $500M for recommended charities in 2021
GiveWell researches charities that can absorb $10M+ of annual funding
GiveWell’s top charities are 10X more cost-effective than cash transfers
Global Burden of Disease
A research program that assesses mortality and disability from major diseases
Global life expectancy increased by 40 years between 1900-2020
Happier Lives Institute
Organisation that researches the best ways to increase global wellbeing
Happier Lives Institute: StrongMinds is 10X as effective as cash transfers
Holden Karnofsky co-founded GiveWell and Open Philanthropy
Homicide killed 400,000 people globally in 2019
In low-income countries, annual mental health spending was $0.02 per person in 2017
In Nigeria, $10 of cash incentives per infant can double the vaccination rate
In Sub-Saharan Africa, 40% of people lived in extreme poverty in 2018
India is the country with the most people living in extreme poverty
Intestinal worms affected 1B people globally in 2014
It cost $5,000 to help save a life from malaria in 2020
Malaria killed 600,000 people globally in 2019
Mental health disorders accounted for 5% of the global burden of disease in 2019
New Incentives
An organisation giving cash to boost child vaccinations in Nigeria
Obesity killed 5M people globally in 2019
Opioid overdoses killed 70,000 people in 2021 in the US
A measure of the improvement in quality and quantity of life lived to assess an intervention.
QALY stands for Quality-Adjusted Life Year
Road traffic crashes kill 1M people every year globally
Shenzen became China’s first Special Economic Zone in 1980
Shenzen had 50,000 people in 1980
Smallpox killed 400M people in the 20th century
Snakebites kill 100,000 people every year globally
Suicide killed 800,000 people globally in 2019
Terrorism killed 25,000 people globally in 2017
The Bubonic Plague killed 200M people in the 1300s
The eradication of smallpox saved 200M lives globally between 1980-2020
The global deaths of children under 5 years old decreased from 12M in 1990 to 5M in 2017
The Spanish Flu killed 50M people
Tobacco kills 8M people every year globally
Universal basic income
A government program of periodic cash payments unconditionally delivered to every adult and sufficient to pay for a person’s basic needs
Unsafe water killed 1M people globally in 2017
Vaccines prevent 2M global deaths every year
Wars killed 50,000 people globally in 2020
Why are mental health disorders underestimated at 5% of the global burden of disease?
Suicide and self-harm aren’t included in mental health disorders
WW2 killed 70M people
80,000 Hours: “Focus on green tech that is unpopular (e.g. nuclear) or unknown (e.g. hot rock geothermal) or unsexy (e.g. decarbonise cement)”
100B humans have lived since the start of humanity
AI alignment
Ensuring that AI systems help rather than harm humans
AI takeoff
Period of transition during which an advanced AI might acquire superhuman intellectual capacity
Alan Robock: In case of full-scale nuclear war, the global average temperature would drop by 7℃ for 5 years, then gradually recover over 10 more years
ALLFED researches events that could deplete food supplies for more than 5% of the global population
Annual global spending on climate change was over $600B in 2020
Anthropogenic existential risks arise from humans rather than nature
Artificial General Intelligence
An AI that can perform any intellectual task that a human being can
Broad interventions focus on unforeseeable long-term benefits from ripple effects, while narrow interventions aim for specific effects
By traveling at 1% the speed of light, humanity can colonise the galaxy in 100M years
Castle Bravo was the most powerful US nuclear detonation
Center for Security and Emerging Technology
The largest AI policy research center in the United States
Climate engineering
Intentional, large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate system (e.g., to counter climate change)
Radical uncertainty about the long-term effects of our actions
Cognitive enhancement
Intervention in the brain that improves attention, concentration, and information processing
DeepMind developed AlphaZero to play chess and go
DeepMind is owned by Alphabet (Google)
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy estimated the chance of nuclear war was between 33-50%
Elon Musk: “At the start of Tesla, I thought we had (optimistically) a 10% chance of surviving at all.”
Elon Musk: Humanity will land on Mars in 2026-2031
Existential risk
A risk that threatens the destruction of humanity’s long-term potential
Fermi paradox
Inconsistency between the lack of evidence of aliens and the high estimates for its probability
Geomagnetic storm
A disturbance in Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere caused by bursts of radiation and particles from the Sun
Global catastrophic risk
An event that could damage human well-being on a global scale
Great Filter
A barrier to the development of intelligence that makes us not see alien life
Hinge of history
A hypothetical time in human history in which humanity has disproportionate influence over the long-term future
Holden Karnofsky: there’s a 50% chance of transformative AI by 2060
How many countries have nuclear weapons?
Humanity can affect a maximum of 5% of the observable galaxies
If we burned all fossil fuels in the ground, CO2 would reach 2,000 ppm
In the worst-case global warming scenario, the global average temperature could rise by 13℃ by 2100
Is China part of the International Space Station?
Kessler Syndrome
Space pollution in Earth’s orbit could cause collisions between objects that cause even more collisions
Lethal autonomous weapons
Weapon systems that use AI to identify, select, and kill targets without human intervention
Manhattan Project
Research project to develop an atomic bomb during World War II
Nick Bostrom founded the Future of Humanity Institute
Nick Bostrom wrote Letter from Utopia
Nick Bostrom wrote The Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant
North Korea has been the only nation conducting nuclear test detonations since 1999
Nuclear winter
Severe cooling of Earth after a large-scale nuclear war
OpenAI developed GPT-3
OpenAI received a $1B investment from Microsoft
Oracle AI AI system that only answers questions
Public good
A good or service that everyone can use
Renewables accounted for 10% of global primary energy in 2019
Robert Wiblin made the nuclear-emergency website
Russia is the country with the most nuclear warheads
S-risks stand for suffering risks
Sam Altman and Elon Musk co-founded OpenAI
Sam Altman is CEO of OpenAI
SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy can launch a kg of payload into space for $1,500
Suffering risks
Future events with the potential capacity to produce an astronomical amount of suffering
A hypothetical agent that possesses intelligence far surpassing that of the brightest humans
The atomic bomb was 1,000X more powerful than conventional bombs
The Black Death killed more than 10% of the global population
The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in 1962
The Doomsday Clock was set to 100 seconds to midnight in 2020
The Observable Universe has 10²² stars
The energy of one star could power 10⁴² computations per second
The Future of Life Institute organised the World Building Contest
The global average temperature increased by 1.2℃ since pre-industrial times
The Hubble Ultra-Deep Field image contains 10,000 galaxies
The hydrogen bomb was 1,000X stronger than the atomic bomb
The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale has 7 levels
The MacArthur Foundation was the largest grantmaker in nuclear security
The Trinity Test was the first nuclear detonation
The Tsar Bomba’s yield was 50 megatons (4,000-fold the Hiroshima bomb)
The Tsar Bomba was the largest atomic test in history
The World Building Contest is set in the year 2045
There are 100B stars in the Milky Way
There are more than 10,000 nuclear warheads globally
There were more than 60,000 nuclear warheads globally in the 1980s
Three existential risks according to Elon Musk:
-Declining birthrates
-Religious extremism
Three types of civilisations (Kardashev scale)
I) Use all energy on their planet
II) Use all energy of their host star
III) Use all energy of their galaxy
Three types of existential catastrophes
-Unrecoverable collapse
-Unrecoverable dystopia
Toby Ord wrote The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity
Toby Ord: Existential from unforeseen anthropogenic risks in the next century is 1⁄30
Toby Ord: Existential risk from pandemics in the next century is 1⁄30
Toby Ord: Existential risk in the next century is 1⁄6
Toby Ord’s four regions of the Universe
1) Affectable: where current events will be visible from Earth (20B galaxies)
2) Observable: what we can now see (400B galaxies)
3) Eventually Observable: what we will be able to see from Earth (1 trillion galaxies)
4) Ultimately Observable: what we might be able to see with travel (2 trillion galaxies)
A movement which advocates for human longevity and cognition enhancement using technology
Two historical causes for which humanity lost more than 10% of the global population
-Wars (e.g., Gengis Khan)
-Pandemics (e.g., Black Death)
Vasily Arkhipov
Soviet Navy officer who prevented nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis
Warning shot
A global catastrophe that increases awareness about similar future risks and thus reduces the probability of an existential catastrophe
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Weapons whose destructive capacity far exceeds that of conventional weaponry
Weapons of Mass Destruction include nuclear, biological and chemical weapons
Whole brain emulation
Scanning a brain to transfer or copy it to a computer
Windfall Clause
Proposal to make AI firms commit to donate a significant amount of any eventual huge profits
With each doubling of installed capacity, the price of solar modules declines by 20%
Meta-Effective Altruism
5% of EAs live outside of the US and Europe
70% of EAs are male
0.7% of people in the US were incarcerated in 2018
80,000 Hours formula for the right career: (Career Capital + Impact + Supportive conditions) x Personal Fit
80,000 Hours had more than 150,000 newsletter subscribers in 2021
80,000 Hours: “The biggest risk to our productivity is probably back pain”
80,000 Hours’ three key career stages
1) Explore interests with low-cost tests (18-24 years)
2) Invest in your career capital (25-35 years)
3) Deploy career capital to solve problems (36+ years)
80,000 Hours’ top three recommended career paths:
1) AI Safety research
2) AI policy
3) Founder tackling the most pressing problems
80% of EAs are <35 years old
Altruistic wager
Act as if something (e.g., insect sentience) is true because it seems ethically right, even if it isn’t likely
An average income of €2,700 per month places you in the top 1% globally
Benjamin Todd and William MacAskill co-founded 80,000 Hours
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett co-founded the Giving Pledge
Cause neutrality
Distributing resources based on maximising impact, irrespective of the beneficiary or intervention
Cause X
Moral problem that will make us think, “We were barbarians!”
Charity Entrepreneurship received 3,000 applicants in 2020
Charity Entrepreneurship wrote How to Launch a High-Impact Nonprofit
Charity Entrepreneurship: starting a high-impact charity has the same impact as donating $200,000 to the most effective NGOs every year
Charity Navigator acquired charity evaluator ImpactMatters
Charity Navigator is the largest charity efficiency evaluator
Cities with the most EAs:
1. San Francisco
2. London
Theory where the rightness of an act is determined solely by its consequences
Cost-effectiveness analysis
Economic analysis that compares the relative costs and effects of rival interventions
Counterfactual thinking
Imagining what would have been the outcome if X had happened
Crucial consideration
A consideration that warrants a reassessment of a cause or intervention
Donor lottery
Multiple donors contribute to a common pot in exchange for a chance to win the right to decide how the pot is spent
Dustin Moskovitz co-founded Facebook before co-founding Asana
Dustin Moskowitz is the main donor of the Open Philanthropy foundation
EA megaprojects deploy $100M+ in funding every year
Earning to give
Pursuing a high-earning career to donate a significant portion of income
Effective Ideas awards up to $100,000 to five EA-related blogs
Effective Thesis
A project to help university students find high-impact thesis topics
Expected value
A predicted value of a variable, calculated as the sum of all possible values each multiplied by the probability of its occurrence
Exploratory altruism
Exploring and making a case for new cause areas
Fermi estimate
A rough calculation which aims to be right within about an order of magnitude
Fin Moorhouse and Luca Righetti co-host the Hear This Idea podcast
Founders Pledge members pledged to donate a total of $7B+ as of 2021
Founders Pledge requires a minimum pledge of 5%
Generation Pledge encourages ultra-rich inheritors to pledge 10% of their inheritance
An online tool that uses Monte Carlo simulations to estimate uncertain results
Giving Green
A charity evaluator focused on climate change
Giving What We Can members pledge to donate at least 10% of their income to effective charities
Hits-based giving
High-risk, high-reward philanthropy
Imposter syndrome
Doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud
Infinite ethics
Branch of philosophy that studies the ethical implications of living in an infinite universe
Information hazard
The risk from the dissemination of true information
Is Founders Pledge legally binding?
Is the Giving What We Can Pledge legally binding?
Julia Galef hosted the Rationally Speaking podcast
Julia Galef wrote The Scout Mindset: Why Some People See Things Clearly and Others Don’t
Karolina Sarek and Joey Savoie co-founded Charity Entrepreneurship
Karolina Sarek’s three rules for research
-Reach conclusions
-Affect decision-making
-Compare alternatives equally
Land use reform
Changing legislation regulating dense housing construction in cities
Long reflection
A long future period during which humanity figures out what we value
Minimal trust investigation
Suspend your trust in others to understand something by yourself
Moral circle
The circle of beings whose interests humans are willing to value similar to their own
Moral parliament
Act as if you’re run by a Parliament with members who believe in A and others who believe in B.
Moral patient
Being that is intrinsically valuable
The philosophical position where it’s better to help people sooner rather than later
Open Philanthropy donated $300M to GiveWell-recommended charities in 2021
Open Philanthropy donated $400M in 2021
Open Philanthropy seeks benefits of $100 for every $1 spent in the US
Peter Singer wrote The Life You Can Save
Philip Tetlock wrote Superforecasting The Art and Science of Prediction
Quadratic Voting
A system where a voter votes not just for or against an issue, but also expresses how strongly he feels about it
Question of moral patienthood
Question on how to weigh the interests of animals, future people, or digital agents
Randomised controlled trial
A scientific experiment used to control factors not under direct experimental control
Red team
An independent group that challenges an organisation or movement to improve it
Robert Wiblin hosts the 80,000 Hours podcast
Room for more funding
A measure of an organisation’s capacity to absorb additional donations
Sam Bankman forecasted that FTX had a 20% chance of success at the beginning
Sam Bankman founded crypto exchange FTX and is the richest Forbes Under 30
Sam Harris hosts the Making Sense podcast
An online tool that lets donors see the impact of their donations
Spark Wave developed the flashcard web app Thought Saver
Spark Wave developed the rationality-tools website Clearer Thinking
Spencer Greenberg founded the startup foundry Spark Wave
Spencer Greenberg hosts the Clearer Thinking podcast
The company with the most EAs is Alphabet
The FTX Future Fund grants a minimum of $100,000
The FTX Future Fund plans to deploy $100M in 2022
The inside view forecasts based on the problem details, while the outside view looks at similar past situations
The Scared Straight program cost society $200 for every $1 spent
The United States is the country with the highest incarceration rate
There are 1.5M nonprofits in the US
There were 7,000 active EAs in 2020
Thinking at the margin
Assessing the impact of a decision by considering the effects of spending an additional unit of resources
Three factors affecting your job’s impact
-Problem: How large, neglected, and tractable is it?
-Opportunity: How effective is your intervention at solving the problem?
-Personal fit: How suited are you for the opportunity?
Three factors in the ITN Framework
Importance, Tractability and Neglectedness
Three main cause areas within EA
-Global Health and Development
-Animal Welfare
Three methods to sort charity ideas
-Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
-Interview Experts
-Weighted Factor Model
Three neglected climate solutions according to Founders Pledge
-Carbon capture and storage
-Nuclear energy
-Heavy transport (planes, ships, trucks)
Three types of career capital
Three types of information hazards
Toby Ord and William MacAskill co-founded Giving What We Can
Total pledges for EA-related causes were at $50B in 2021
The fraction of a problem that would be solved if additional resources were devoted to it
Two highly ineffective programs
-Scared Straight
Unilateralist’s curse
The risk of causing unintentional harm increases with the number of altruists
Value drift
Over time, people might become less motivated to do altruistic things
Vox writes the Future Perfect newsletter on EA
William MacAskill founded the Forethought Foundation
William MacAskill will publish What We Owe The Future in August of 2022
William MacAskill wrote Doing Good Better
Anki Decks
Download the Anki decks here after downloading the Anki app on your computer:
Animal Welfare
Global Health and Development
Meta-Effective Altruism
On iPhone, you can revise the cards directly on the Anki website—or get the $25 app if you’re a pro. On Android, use the free AnkiDroid app. Just download the flashcards on your computer first.
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Thank You
I would like to thank Florence Hinder and Spencer Greenberg for their feedback and work to promote flashcards with Thought Saver, Cillian Crosson for inspiring me to embark on EA full-time, the team at Our World in Data for distilling pressing topics, the curators of the EA Forum topics for mapping key EA concepts, and whoever I mentioned in the flashcards for making something worth remembering. If I didn’t mention something amazing that you created, let me know in the comments or Google Doc or send me a private message, and I’ll add you :)