I’m not a bot. [Of COURSE I would say that, right?]
I’m originally a Florida boy, which is now more shameful than being from Utah. Insofar as I ever did grow up [hopefully not too far], I grew up long before there WAS an Internet; in fact, before more than a handful of people had even imagined “personal computers”. I’m OLD. I’m so old I retired a decade ago! But who cares, right? On the Internet nobody knows you’re a cat.
I read upon Web 4.0 some time ago and forgot what I learned, so it can’t be THAT great. ;-)
I had a friend who went by @Kittygirl once. I hope they (they were plural) are both still alright. Their account has been deactivated on the forum that was my previous home.
Incidentally, I think you might, possibly, be interested in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy work I’ve been making. Right now it’s hypertext fiction, hopefully it [never/always] ends up as hypertime fiction.
I’m not a bot. [Of COURSE I would say that, right?]
I’m originally a Florida boy, which is now more shameful than being from Utah. Insofar as I ever did grow up [hopefully not too far], I grew up long before there WAS an Internet; in fact, before more than a handful of people had even imagined “personal computers”. I’m OLD. I’m so old I retired a decade ago! But who cares, right? On the Internet nobody knows you’re a cat.
I read upon Web 4.0 some time ago and forgot what I learned, so it can’t be THAT great. ;-)
Back to what passes for fruitful labor....
I had a friend who went by @Kittygirl once. I hope they (they were plural) are both still alright. Their account has been deactivated on the forum that was my previous home.
Incidentally, I think you might, possibly, be interested in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy work I’ve been making. Right now it’s hypertext fiction, hopefully it [never/always] ends up as hypertime fiction.
It’s called Dungeonthrone, and it’s right here. https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/dungeonthrone.88287/