Hi there! I appreciate you having the courage and forthrightness to write up what you think and ask questions. I don’t have answers to most of your questions, but in addition to agreeing with everyone else on taking care of yourself (while also acknowledging the power of donating even when you don’t have much as a signal to yourself that you’re living a life in line with your values), I encourage you to
- read widely: sounds like you’re interested in crypto currency and making money—there’s a lot to read about that online and in youtube videos and probably books. I wouldn’t necessarily advise making any particular investments, but it’s absolutely something you can find out more about - find some connections / community: it can be hard to try figuring out all of this on your own. There are others your age interested in effective altruism, and of course you’ve found the forum. Maybe there are groups in your area?
Hi there! I appreciate you having the courage and forthrightness to write up what you think and ask questions. I don’t have answers to most of your questions, but in addition to agreeing with everyone else on taking care of yourself (while also acknowledging the power of donating even when you don’t have much as a signal to yourself that you’re living a life in line with your values), I encourage you to
- read widely: sounds like you’re interested in crypto currency and making money—there’s a lot to read about that online and in youtube videos and probably books. I wouldn’t necessarily advise making any particular investments, but it’s absolutely something you can find out more about
- find some connections / community: it can be hard to try figuring out all of this on your own. There are others your age interested in effective altruism, and of course you’ve found the forum. Maybe there are groups in your area?
I’ll DM you to discuss more.