The lives vs life years thing shouldn’t change our answer much. I would also not extend the lives of 30 dogs by 1 year compared to extending a human life by 1 year, and honestly the 1⁄100 conversion rate I mentioned is too high for me as well, I just used it as an example of how the comparison changes with a different conversion rate.
This seems to fall under the general confusion and difficulty of evaluating wild animal suffering, and I don’t envy anyone who has to do that.
The lives vs life years thing shouldn’t change our answer much. I would also not extend the lives of 30 dogs by 1 year compared to extending a human life by 1 year, and honestly the 1⁄100 conversion rate I mentioned is too high for me as well, I just used it as an example of how the comparison changes with a different conversion rate.
This seems to fall under the general confusion and difficulty of evaluating wild animal suffering, and I don’t envy anyone who has to do that.