Thanks for writing this up! Really appreciate the clear and transparent writeup across hiring, output, and financial numbers, and think that more orgs (including Manifold!) should strive for this level of clarity. One thing I would have been curious to see is how much money came in from each funding source, haha.
I set up a prediction market to see how RP will do against its funding goals:
Very cool, thanks, Austin! We will publish another post on the Forum with updated funding goals by mid-November at the latest. I’m curious to see how our plans and ambitions might have changed by then. [Note: I’m working as Rethink Priorities’ Director of Development.]
Thanks for writing this up! Really appreciate the clear and transparent writeup across hiring, output, and financial numbers, and think that more orgs (including Manifold!) should strive for this level of clarity. One thing I would have been curious to see is how much money came in from each funding source, haha.
I set up a prediction market to see how RP will do against its funding goals:
Very cool, thanks, Austin!
We will publish another post on the Forum with updated funding goals by mid-November at the latest. I’m curious to see how our plans and ambitions might have changed by then.
[Note: I’m working as Rethink Priorities’ Director of Development.]