+1, the dismissive tone of the following passage especially left a bad taste in my mouth:
After all, when thinking about what makes some possible universe good, the most obvious answer is that it contains a predominance of awesome, flourishing lives. How could that not be better than a barren rock? Any view that denies this verdict is arguably too nihilistic and divorced from humane values to be worth taking seriously.
It should be pretty clear to someone who has studied alternatives to total symmetric utilitarianism—not all of which are averagist or person-affecting views! - that some of these alternatives are thoroughly motivated by “humane,” rather than “nihilistic,” intuitions.
+1, the dismissive tone of the following passage especially left a bad taste in my mouth:
It should be pretty clear to someone who has studied alternatives to total symmetric utilitarianism—not all of which are averagist or person-affecting views! - that some of these alternatives are thoroughly motivated by “humane,” rather than “nihilistic,” intuitions.