I recommend an exercise at some point encouraging the reader / participant to write up their criticisms of EA ideas
Thanks! The exercise in Session 7 is meant to encourage people to write their critiques: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/s/32FKXByGNgHLPaHnj/p/SYxBpdthYWcd6eQhF
Perhaps it’s useful to make the writing suggestion more explicit/specific.
I recommend an exercise at some point encouraging the reader / participant to write up their criticisms of EA ideas
Thanks! The exercise in Session 7 is meant to encourage people to write their critiques: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/s/32FKXByGNgHLPaHnj/p/SYxBpdthYWcd6eQhF
Perhaps it’s useful to make the writing suggestion more explicit/specific.