I’ve also assumed that 80k leadership was aware of red flags around SBF since 2018, due to A) 80k staff being part of the early Alameda staff that left, B) assuming 80k leadership was part of the EA Leader Slack channel where concerns were raised, C) Will (co-founder and board member) and Nick (board member) being aware of concerns (per Time’s reporting). It would be great if someone from 80k could confirm which of these channels (if any) 80k leadership heard concerns through. Assuming they were indeed aware of concerns, I agree with John and Pagw that it seems odd not to mention hearing those red flags in the OP.
To be explicit, even if 80k leadership was aware of red flags around SBF since 2018, I don’t think they should have anticipated the scale of his fraud. And they might have made correct decisions along the way given what they knew at the time. But those red flags (if 80k was indeed aware of them) seem like they should play a part in any retrospective accounting of lessons learned from the whole affair.
I’ve also assumed that 80k leadership was aware of red flags around SBF since 2018, due to A) 80k staff being part of the early Alameda staff that left, B) assuming 80k leadership was part of the EA Leader Slack channel where concerns were raised, C) Will (co-founder and board member) and Nick (board member) being aware of concerns (per Time’s reporting). It would be great if someone from 80k could confirm which of these channels (if any) 80k leadership heard concerns through. Assuming they were indeed aware of concerns, I agree with John and Pagw that it seems odd not to mention hearing those red flags in the OP.
To be explicit, even if 80k leadership was aware of red flags around SBF since 2018, I don’t think they should have anticipated the scale of his fraud. And they might have made correct decisions along the way given what they knew at the time. But those red flags (if 80k was indeed aware of them) seem like they should play a part in any retrospective accounting of lessons learned from the whole affair.