Looking for any feedback on a product prototype
Hi :) there
I am thinking about creating a wearable device that could track your attention when you’re using the computer, such that it provides simultaneous input to the computer to execute timely the action you want, like left-clicking the mouse for closing down the browser.
I believe this is theoritically possible by collecting and analyzing the brainwave data collected above the skull (non-invasive, without surgeries), but I am unsure if the existence of such a thing (which automates the execute of user demands on the computer in a hand-free way) is desirable for the general populations who aren’t disabled.
Is it in any way can you imagine such a decive would prove to be more advantageous than traditionally engaging hands for using the computer? Do you want to wear such a device for work on office? Thank you so much for feedbacks!
Although the technology is definitely possible, it wouldn’t be easy. Although I don’t think this is the main problem. Charlie Guthmann mentioned this, however I am concerned about the security risks that such a device could create. The data that this product could produce would be priceless to a company, government or any other entity, not only for understanding the brain better but also for collecting user data on peoples minds. Currently our understanding of the brain is not advanced enough for us to interpret this data and draw any specific conclusions on what a person is thinking (i.e. What you want for dinner or your political ideologies) but the massive amount of user data produced by this device could make that possible and then be used to collect peoples thoughts. Of course this is all sci-fi conjecture but its within the realm of possibility. If you could design the machine to not interface with a separate server that would help a lot. Private security risk aside, such a machine would be far more efficient than typing. We think far faster than we type (or maybe I just type slow), and it could allow us to interface with “non-traditional” controls that are hard to make a functional input for or use machines without using our hands (which has all sorts of uses). If there was no security risks and you could design a working model, I’d pay good money for even a basic prototype of your product.
Thank you for the valuable thoughts
I’m a bit confused. Is the point of this to help you use your computer faster or some sort of big brother, keep you on task thing? If the latter I feel like there are lots of computer programs and/or browsers that can help you with this, though maybe not to the extent of this device?
Sorry for the inefficient description that may sound confusing. It probably makes it faster for the user to deliver the command to the computer since she doesn’t need to use her hands. moreover, it also aims for making human interaction with the computer more intuitive. :)
I know there’s:
eye-movement cursors
tongue controllers
reflective forehead beads for cameras to read and target a mouse on-screen
foot pedals for mouse buttons
voice control of keyboard and mouse
body tracking with a camera
head control with head movements and face gestures
and apparently some EEG controllers suitable for a project like you describe
I have thought about using the different options, and some of the concerns are:
having to port around peripherals when working in different spots
being unable to set up a peripheral in a particular spot
being locked into using a set-up at a specific location
being forced to make smaller body movements when I prefer larger
setting off the device when I don’t intend to use it
fatigue of whatever’s being used (voice, tongue, neck)
inefficient use for specific purposes (for example, drawing)
If you streamline the controls required for the specific application, for example, web-browsing, then any peripheral options become better.
People use the mouse when they would be better off using keyboard shortcuts or some add-in or even another software program.
With the right software or configuration, any solution becomes more useful or attractive.
Thank you. It’s very helpful to read this thread