Tragic Beliefs (& Insect Suffering)

Hi all -
This week we will be reading and discussing “Tragic Beliefs” by tobytrem on the EA Forum.
This post discusses insect suffering as an example for whether or not we should accept beliefs that might make our lives worse, but at the same time might be necessary for improving the world.
It will be Tuesday at 5:30pm in RH204.
Note—as a trial, our following meetups will be at Kelburn campus!

Effective altruism is a movement focused on finding the most effective ways to have a positive impact. EA Wellington is a group of about 40 people who meet up weekly to talk about different topics in effective altruism and ways we can get involved.

This session will be held in room RH206 at Pipitea Campus. While we run events at the university our group is comprised of both students and professionals. Anyone is welcome to join. Please be aware the doors to the university stop automatically opening past 6 pm.

Here is a list of our upcoming events: https://​​​​.../​​1gcqOu4Bd0neWynwPK9ZMc3h73fPz...
Here is a list of links to useful stuff related to EA or EA Wellington: https://​​​​.../​​1GEB10IERM9glDsUjsUHDKS2...

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