Agree that if you put a lot of weight on the efficient market hypothesis, then starting a company looks bad and probably isn’t worth it. Personally, I don’t think markets are efficient enough for this to be a dominant consideration (see e.g. my response here for partial justification; not sure it’s possible to give a convincing full justification since it seems like a pretty deep worldview divergence between us and the more modest-epistemology-focused wing of the EA movement).
Agree that if you put a lot of weight on the efficient market hypothesis, then starting a company looks bad and probably isn’t worth it. Personally, I don’t think markets are efficient enough for this to be a dominant consideration (see e.g. my response here for partial justification; not sure it’s possible to give a convincing full justification since it seems like a pretty deep worldview divergence between us and the more modest-epistemology-focused wing of the EA movement).
That makes sense, thanks!