I think this is a very cute, clever story! I appreciate it and have upvoted it! I don’t think I have any clever comments, though I’ll let you know if I think of any.
This is very well written! I really admire all the imagery in your writing. And how you leave it up to the reader to interpret the meaning here (give 2 + 2, not 4).
May I ask what made you write this? :-) What else have you written? Where did you learn to write like this?
I think this is a very cute, clever story! I appreciate it and have upvoted it! I don’t think I have any clever comments, though I’ll let you know if I think of any.
This is very well written! I really admire all the imagery in your writing. And how you leave it up to the reader to interpret the meaning here (give 2 + 2, not 4).
May I ask what made you write this? :-) What else have you written? Where did you learn to write like this?
Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it. The main reason I wrote this was to practice creative writing—and the Forum contest seemed to be a good place to do that. This is the first time I tried writing short stories—the only other creative writing piece I’ve published anywhere is this one, which I also wrote for the Forum contest: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/sGTHctACf73gunnk7/creative-writing-contest-the-legend-of-the-goldseeker
I hope that helps!