which post is this? I looked on EY’s LW profile but couldn’t see which one this was referring to. There’s this blog post https://yudkowsky.tumblr.com/post/81447230971/my-april-fools-day-confession but it’s not on LW. also, it looks like there’s been a lot of posts from EY on LW since 2014?
I think that’s the post. As far as my memory goes, the criticism led to Eliezer deleting it from LessWrong.
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which post is this? I looked on EY’s LW profile but couldn’t see which one this was referring to. There’s this blog post https://yudkowsky.tumblr.com/post/81447230971/my-april-fools-day-confession but it’s not on LW. also, it looks like there’s been a lot of posts from EY on LW since 2014?
I think that’s the post. As far as my memory goes, the criticism led to Eliezer deleting it from LessWrong.