Ben_West thanks for this text. I have some examples of outsourcing work in our organisations. And even when sometimes they are for free, for me as a Project Manager it is an additional cost, mostly time which is precious in NGO. Communication and trying to explain what is matter for us is sometimes very complicated, especially if someone wants to contact by mail. From last cooperation we did many improvements, like for example adding people to our slack and explaining the way we work in IT (even about code to not have broken windows after cooperation like that). But I still think that outsourcing should be rethought twice to not have more work than less. So thank you for your view for this topic.
Ben_West thanks for this text. I have some examples of outsourcing work in our organisations. And even when sometimes they are for free, for me as a Project Manager it is an additional cost, mostly time which is precious in NGO. Communication and trying to explain what is matter for us is sometimes very complicated, especially if someone wants to contact by mail. From last cooperation we did many improvements, like for example adding people to our slack and explaining the way we work in IT (even about code to not have broken windows after cooperation like that). But I still think that outsourcing should be rethought twice to not have more work than less. So thank you for your view for this topic.