My current plan is that to a first approximation we won’t accept restricted donations, including to GWWC. (It’s a fiction that truly restricted donations are possible, anyway). But we will give donors the chance to express their preferences about how the money is to be used, which we’ll consider in the aggregate when making strategic decisions. If donors think we’re making major mistakes in allocation of resources between different activities, I’d love to see that written up, it would be very helpful to us.
My current plan is that to a first approximation we won’t accept restricted donations, including to GWWC. (It’s a fiction that truly restricted donations are possible, anyway). But we will give donors the chance to express their preferences about how the money is to be used, which we’ll consider in the aggregate when making strategic decisions. If donors think we’re making major mistakes in allocation of resources between different activities, I’d love to see that written up, it would be very helpful to us.