Food for Thought: Does diversity make us smarter?

Food for Thought is a series of events, where we discuss philosophical and practical questions of EA in small groups over food and drinks: We are exploring effective altruism one bite at a time (at the moment, it’s rather one sip at a time, until we’ve found an indoor location that allows us to bring food). EA newcomers are welcome; studying the suggested material is encouraged but not required, please RSVP.


Do diverse groups produce better arguments? Let’s discuss the topic of diversity from the angle of epistemic strength. No matter if you are rooting for a more diverse EA movement, think value alignment is more important, or think that diversity should not matter at all, your opinions are welcome. We want to have a diverse discussion after all.

The article In diversity lies epistemic strength (also take a look at the comments)


Since it’s now too cold for a picnic in the park, we are going to meet at Atopia. It is easy to reach via Ringbahn (Prenzlauer Allee), M10 (Prenzlauer Allee/​Danziger Staße) or M2 (Fröbelstraße).

What to bring

Some change to buy a drink—they don’t accept card payment at Atopia.

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