The URL is
The map displays a reasonably comprehensive list of organizations, people, and resources in the AI safety space, including:
research organizations
youtube channels
training programs
career support
You can hover over each item to get a short description, and click on each item to go to the relevant web page.
The map is populated by this spreadsheet, so if you have corrections or suggestions please leave a comment.
There’s also a google form and a Discord channel for suggestions.
Thanks to plex for getting this project off the ground, and Nonlinear for motivating/funding it through a bounty.
PS, If you find this helpful, here are some other projects you may be interested in (these have nothing to do with me): gives a timeline of AI safety training opportunities available by plex using AISS’s database gives a list of video/audio resources on AI safety by Jakub Kraus. lists communities working on AI safety (made by volunteers in Alignment Ecosystem Development)
And plex wanted me to mention that Alignment Ecosystem Development has monthly calls to collect volunteers. So… go do that maybe! is a map of the AIS ecosystem
The URL is
The map displays a reasonably comprehensive list of organizations, people, and resources in the AI safety space, including:
research organizations
youtube channels
training programs
career support
You can hover over each item to get a short description, and click on each item to go to the relevant web page.
The map is populated by this spreadsheet, so if you have corrections or suggestions please leave a comment.
There’s also a google form and a Discord channel for suggestions.
Thanks to plex for getting this project off the ground, and Nonlinear for motivating/funding it through a bounty.
PS, If you find this helpful, here are some other projects you may be interested in (these have nothing to do with me): gives a timeline of AI safety training opportunities available by plex using AISS’s database gives a list of video/audio resources on AI safety by Jakub Kraus. lists communities working on AI safety (made by volunteers in Alignment Ecosystem Development)
And plex wanted me to mention that Alignment Ecosystem Development has monthly calls to collect volunteers. So… go do that maybe!