Oh, good idea. Reverse image searching resulted in me finding the same version claiming that it’s 2007 data. So that’s maybe partially reflecting differences in how people responded to the financial crisis in particular?
Decided to find some TFR data from Eurostat and recreate this map for some more recent years. The France-Germany gap has been decreasing in visual saliency: 2014 is still pretty visible but but 2019 is less so (though there is still some aggregate TFR difference between France and Germany). Data doesn’t go far enough back for me to be able to check the original map but it doesn’t seem particularly implausible.
I did a reverse image search on it, and I found a map that seems to have the same data for France and Germany that was posted in early 2014.
Oh, good idea. Reverse image searching resulted in me finding the same version claiming that it’s 2007 data. So that’s maybe partially reflecting differences in how people responded to the financial crisis in particular?
Decided to find some TFR data from Eurostat and recreate this map for some more recent years. The France-Germany gap has been decreasing in visual saliency: 2014 is still pretty visible but but 2019 is less so (though there is still some aggregate TFR difference between France and Germany). Data doesn’t go far enough back for me to be able to check the original map but it doesn’t seem particularly implausible.