Anthropics: my understanding/explanation and takes
In this first comment, I stick with the explanations. In sub-comments, I’ll give my own takes
We need the following ingredients
A non-anthropic prior over worlds W1,...,Wn where ∑P(Wi)=1[1]
A set Oi of all the observers in Wi for each i.
A subset of observers Yi⊆Oi of observers in each world Wi for each i that contain your exact current observer moment
Note it’s possible to have some Yi empty—worlds in your non-anthropic prior where there are zero instances of your current observer moment
A reference class (you can choose!) R=(R1,...,Rn) where Ri⊆Oi. I call Ri the reference set for world i which is a subset of the observers in that world.
Generally one picks a ‘rule’ to generate the Ri systematically
For example “human observers” or “human observers not in simulations”.
All anthropic theories technically use a reference class (even the self-indication assumption)
Generally one chooses the reference class to contain all of the you-observer moments (i.e.Yi⊆Ri for all i)
And finally, we need a choice of anthropic theory. On observation E (that you are your exact current observer moment), the anthropic differ by the likelihood P(E|W).
All other things equal, one should reason as if they are randomly selected from the set of all possible observer moments [in your reference class].
This can be formalised as
Note that
The denominator - which is the total number of observers in all possible worlds that are in our reference class—is independent of i, so we can ignore it when doing the update since it cancels out when normalising.
The standard approach of SIA is to take the reference class equal to be all observers, that is Ri=Oi for all i. In this case, the the update is proportional to |Yi|
This is true for any reference class with Yi⊆Ri (i.e. our reference class does not exclude any instances of our exact current observer moment).
Heuristically we can describe SIA as updating towards worlds in direct proportion to the number of instances of “you” that there are.
Updating with SIA has the effect of
Updating towards worlds that are multiverses
Probably thinking there are many simulated copies of you
Probably thinking there are aliens (supposing that the process that leads to humans and aliens is the same, we update towards this process being easier).
(The standard definition) breaking when you have a world with infinite instances of your exact current observer moment.
All other things equal, one should reason as if they are randomly selected from the set of all actually existent observer moments in their reference class
This can be formalised as
Note that
The denominator—which is the total number of observers in the reference set in world i - is not independent of i so does not cancel out when normalising our update
In the case that one takes a reference class to include all exact copies of ones’ current observer moment (i.e. Yi⊆Ri), we have the expression simplify to YiRi.[3]
Heuristically we can describe SSA as updating towards worlds in direct proportion to how relatively common instances of “you” are in the reference class in the world.
Minimal reference class SSA
This is a special case of SSA, where one takes the minimal reference class that contains the exact copies of your exact observer moment. That is, take Ri=Yi for every i. This means for any evidence you receive, ruling out worlds that do not contain a copy of you that has this same evidence.
Note that the formula for this update becomes |Yi|/|Yi| - for worlds where there is at least one copy of us, the likelihood is 1 and is otherwise 0.[4]
Updating with SSA has the effect of
Updating towards worlds that are small but just contain copies of you (in the reference class)
For non-minimal reference classes, believing in a ‘Doomsday’ (i.e. updating to worlds with fewer (future) observers in your reference class, since in those worlds your observations are more common in the reference set).
Having generally weaker updates than SIA—the likelihoods are always in [0,1].
Both SIA and SSA
Update towards worlds where you are more ‘special’,[5] for example updating towards “now” being an interesting time for simulations to be run.
Can be extended to worlds containing infinite observers
Strictly, this is the strong self-sampling assumption in Bostrom’s original terminology (the difference being the use of observer moments, rather than observers)
The formal definition I gave for SSA is only for cases where the reference set is non-empty, so there’s not something weird going on where we’re deciding 0⁄0 to equal 0.
Spoilers: using SIA with a decision theory that supposes you can ‘control’ all instances of you (e.g. evidential like theories, or functional-like theories) is Dutch-bookable. This is also the case for non-minimal reference class SSA with a decision theory that supposes you only control a single instance of you (e.g. causal decision theory).
I think we should reason in terms of decisions and not use anthropic updates or probabilities at all. This is what is argued for in Armstrong’s Anthropic Decision Theory, which itself is a form of updateless decision theory.
In my mind, this resolves a lot of confusion around anthropic problems when they’re reframed as decision problems.
If I had to pick a traditional anthropic theory...
I’d pick, in this order,
Minimal reference class SSA
Non-minimal reference class SSA
I choose this ordering because both minimal reference class SSA and SIA can give the ‘best’ decisions (ex-ante optimal ones) in anthropic problems,[1] when paired with the right decision theory.
Minimal reference class SSA needs pairing with an evidential-like decision theory, or one that supposes you are making choices for all your copies. SIA needs pairing with a causal-like decision theory (or one that does not suppose your actions give evidence for, or directly control, the actions of your copies). Since I prefer the former set of decision theories, I prefer minimal reference class SSA to SIA.
Non-minimal reference class SSA, meanwhile, cannot be paired with any (standard) decision theory to get ex-ante optimal decisions in anthropic problems.
Anthropics: my understanding/explanation and takes
In this first comment, I stick with the explanations. In sub-comments, I’ll give my own takes
We need the following ingredients
A non-anthropic prior over worlds W1,...,Wn where ∑P(Wi)=1 [1]
A set Oi of all the observers in Wi for each i.
A subset of observers Yi⊆Oi of observers in each world Wi for each i that contain your exact current observer moment
Note it’s possible to have some Yi empty—worlds in your non-anthropic prior where there are zero instances of your current observer moment
A reference class (you can choose!) R=(R1,...,Rn) where Ri⊆Oi. I call Ri the reference set for world i which is a subset of the observers in that world.
Generally one picks a ‘rule’ to generate the Ri systematically
For example “human observers” or “human observers not in simulations”.
All anthropic theories technically use a reference class (even the self-indication assumption)
Generally one chooses the reference class to contain all of the you-observer moments (i.e.Yi⊆Ri for all i)
And finally, we need a choice of anthropic theory. On observation E (that you are your exact current observer moment), the anthropic differ by the likelihood P(E|W).
Self-indication assumption (SIA)
Bostrom gives the definition of something like
This can be formalised as
Note that
The denominator - which is the total number of observers in all possible worlds that are in our reference class—is independent of i, so we can ignore it when doing the update since it cancels out when normalising.
The standard approach of SIA is to take the reference class equal to be all observers, that is Ri=Oi for all i. In this case, the the update is proportional to |Yi|
This is true for any reference class with Yi⊆Ri (i.e. our reference class does not exclude any instances of our exact current observer moment).
Heuristically we can describe SIA as updating towards worlds in direct proportion to the number of instances of “you” that there are.
Updating with SIA has the effect of
Updating towards worlds that are multiverses
Probably thinking there are many simulated copies of you
Probably thinking there are aliens (supposing that the process that leads to humans and aliens is the same, we update towards this process being easier).
(The standard definition) breaking when you have a world with infinite instances of your exact current observer moment.
Self-sampling assumption (SSA) [2]
Bostrom again,
This can be formalised as
Note that
The denominator—which is the total number of observers in the reference set in world i - is not independent of i so does not cancel out when normalising our update
In the case that one takes a reference class to include all exact copies of ones’ current observer moment (i.e. Yi⊆Ri), we have the expression simplify to YiRi.[3]
Heuristically we can describe SSA as updating towards worlds in direct proportion to how relatively common instances of “you” are in the reference class in the world.
Minimal reference class SSA
This is a special case of SSA, where one takes the minimal reference class that contains the exact copies of your exact observer moment. That is, take Ri=Yi for every i. This means for any evidence you receive, ruling out worlds that do not contain a copy of you that has this same evidence.
Note that the formula for this update becomes |Yi|/|Yi| - for worlds where there is at least one copy of us, the likelihood is 1 and is otherwise 0.[4]
Updating with SSA has the effect of
Updating towards worlds that are small but just contain copies of you (in the reference class)
For non-minimal reference classes, believing in a ‘Doomsday’ (i.e. updating to worlds with fewer (future) observers in your reference class, since in those worlds your observations are more common in the reference set).
Having generally weaker updates than SIA—the likelihoods are always in [0,1].
Both SIA and SSA
Update towards worlds where you are more ‘special’,[5] for example updating towards “now” being an interesting time for simulations to be run.
Can be extended to worlds containing infinite observers
(In my mind) are valid ‘interpretations’ of what we want ‘probability’ to mean, but not how I think we should do things.
Can be Dutch-booked if paired with the wrong decision theory[6]
One could also easily write this in a continuous case
Strictly, this is the strong self-sampling assumption in Bostrom’s original terminology (the difference being the use of observer moments, rather than observers)
One may choose not to do this, for example, by excluding simulated copies of oneself or Boltzmann brain copies of oneself.
The formal definition I gave for SSA is only for cases where the reference set is non-empty, so there’s not something weird going on where we’re deciding 0⁄0 to equal 0.
In SIA, being ‘special’ is being common and appearing often. In SSA, being ‘special’ is appearing often relative to other observers
Spoilers: using SIA with a decision theory that supposes you can ‘control’ all instances of you (e.g. evidential like theories, or functional-like theories) is Dutch-bookable. This is also the case for non-minimal reference class SSA with a decision theory that supposes you only control a single instance of you (e.g. causal decision theory).
How I think we should do anthropics
I think we should reason in terms of decisions and not use anthropic updates or probabilities at all. This is what is argued for in Armstrong’s Anthropic Decision Theory, which itself is a form of updateless decision theory.
In my mind, this resolves a lot of confusion around anthropic problems when they’re reframed as decision problems.
If I had to pick a traditional anthropic theory...
I’d pick, in this order,
Minimal reference class SSA
Non-minimal reference class SSA
I choose this ordering because both minimal reference class SSA and SIA can give the ‘best’ decisions (ex-ante optimal ones) in anthropic problems,[1] when paired with the right decision theory.
Minimal reference class SSA needs pairing with an evidential-like decision theory, or one that supposes you are making choices for all your copies. SIA needs pairing with a causal-like decision theory (or one that does not suppose your actions give evidence for, or directly control, the actions of your copies). Since I prefer the former set of decision theories, I prefer minimal reference class SSA to SIA.
Non-minimal reference class SSA, meanwhile, cannot be paired with any (standard) decision theory to get ex-ante optimal decisions in anthropic problems.
For more on this, I highly recommend Oesterheld & Conitzer’s Can de se choice be ex ante reasonable in games of imperfect recall?
For example, the sleeping beauty problem or the absent-minded driver problem