Almost nobody “knows what they need to know before opening their first startup”
Many many founders have impostor syndrome.
Trying to know everything, or “only” “everything that people tell you is basic knowledge” seems pointless, you’ll never get there, especially if you plan on asking more people what they think you “definitely need to know” and keeping a list of topics to learn. It will never end.
You’ve got to do Something Else Which Is Not That.
My top recommendation would be “learn to ask for help”
Opening a startup is harder than most non-founders think
Specifically, raising money from for-profit investors and being accountable to them—this is something I wouldn’t do lightly.
I think most people under rated how hard it is. I’m surrounded by founders, I feel it.
My recommendation: Ask ~3 founders how hard it actually is to open a startup, before you decide it’s probably exciting and fun.
I think maybe this could be solved by raising money from EA and not from for-profit investors, but I don’t know.
If you want to solve a problem for certain people, talk to those people
This is a big part of modern startup advice
Your idea isn’t monitizable? That’s good!
It might be the reason that nobody solved the problem you found so far.
Specifically, solving tragedy of the commons situations, and other inadequate equilibria seem like promising situations to me.
Where will the money come from? From EA funding. (Assuming you found something cost effective and so on)
This is the first time in the world’s history where people can get paid for solving problems that aren’t monitizable, and I think this is exciting.
Almost nobody “knows what they need to know before opening their first startup”
Many many founders have impostor syndrome.
Trying to know everything, or “only” “everything that people tell you is basic knowledge” seems pointless, you’ll never get there, especially if you plan on asking more people what they think you “definitely need to know” and keeping a list of topics to learn. It will never end.
You’ve got to do Something Else Which Is Not That.
My top recommendation would be “learn to ask for help”