Oh that’s very interesting! I had no idea, seems relevant. Also not a lawyer, but I think that this would just apply to agreements not to hire others’ employees, as opposed to an agreement not to aggressively recruit.
I actually think there was a major lawsuit about agreements between organizations not to poach one another’s employees. https://www.cnet.com/tech/tech-industry/apple-google-others-settle-anti-poaching-lawsuit-for-415-million/
Oh that’s very interesting! I had no idea, seems relevant. Also not a lawyer, but I think that this would just apply to agreements not to hire others’ employees, as opposed to an agreement not to aggressively recruit.
I actually think there was a major lawsuit about agreements between organizations not to poach one another’s employees. https://www.cnet.com/tech/tech-industry/apple-google-others-settle-anti-poaching-lawsuit-for-415-million/