Thanks for raising this. In response to your comment, we revisit this in the appendix hosted HERE (give it a moment to auto-jump to the relevant section). This includes a discussion, some figures, and a bar chart. We hope to explore this more in future work.
Some key points:
In 2020 we asked
Are you presently saving money to donate later, rather than donate now? If so, roughly how much money are you planning to save in 2020 for this purpose?
17.9% of responses report saving to donate later. (This represents 24.6% of those who answer this question).
Among those who report saving to donate, median donations are 5000 USD and mean donations are 134,267 USD
We present a histogram of donation in the linked section
Thanks for raising this. In response to your comment, we revisit this in the appendix hosted HERE (give it a moment to auto-jump to the relevant section). This includes a discussion, some figures, and a bar chart. We hope to explore this more in future work.
Some key points:
In 2020 we asked
17.9% of responses report saving to donate later. (This represents 24.6% of those who answer this question).
Among those who report saving to donate, median donations are 5000 USD and mean donations are 134,267 USD
We present a histogram of donation in the linked section