A consideration that might sometimes go in the opposite direction is the movement of EA career capital, but I’m less sure about this. If you take a job at an EA org, you can ensure the EA career capital you build there stays within your priorities. If someone else takes the job and has different priorities, they might take that capital towards causes you don’t prioritize in the future. However, you need to compare this capital to the capital you’d build in your other options, e.g. earning to give (and you also need to consider the capital built along the chains), which is why I’m less sure about this.
An EA organization focused on one cause (or only a few causes) could see it similarly. Although they might increase the number of people working in their cause in the short-term by accepting people with multiple priorities over people who just prioritize the organization’s cause, they want to take people who will keep the EA career capital they build there within their cause area.
A consideration that might sometimes go in the opposite direction is the movement of EA career capital, but I’m less sure about this. If you take a job at an EA org, you can ensure the EA career capital you build there stays within your priorities. If someone else takes the job and has different priorities, they might take that capital towards causes you don’t prioritize in the future. However, you need to compare this capital to the capital you’d build in your other options, e.g. earning to give (and you also need to consider the capital built along the chains), which is why I’m less sure about this.
An EA organization focused on one cause (or only a few causes) could see it similarly. Although they might increase the number of people working in their cause in the short-term by accepting people with multiple priorities over people who just prioritize the organization’s cause, they want to take people who will keep the EA career capital they build there within their cause area.