Fully agree. A potential taboo on AGI is something that is far too often overlooked by people who worry about pauses not working well (e.g. see also Scott Alexander, Matthew Barnett, Nora Belrose).
This is true—it’s the same tactic anti-GMO lobbies, the NRA, NIMBYs, and anti-vaxxers have used. The public as a whole doesn’t need to be anti-AI, even a vocal minority will be enough to swing elections and ensure an unfavorable regulatory environment. If I had to guess, AI would end up like nuclear fission—not worth the hassle, but with no off-ramp, no way to unring the alarm bell.
Fully agree. A potential taboo on AGI is something that is far too often overlooked by people who worry about pauses not working well (e.g. see also Scott Alexander, Matthew Barnett, Nora Belrose).
This is true—it’s the same tactic anti-GMO lobbies, the NRA, NIMBYs, and anti-vaxxers have used. The public as a whole doesn’t need to be anti-AI, even a vocal minority will be enough to swing elections and ensure an unfavorable regulatory environment. If I had to guess, AI would end up like nuclear fission—not worth the hassle, but with no off-ramp, no way to unring the alarm bell.