I support this post, because I want to embed TikToks in stuff.
This desire is different than making video posts “first class citizens” or turning the forum into a list of video posts (I haven’t thought about this much).
It’s just adding the ability to decorate posts and comments with TikToks without altering existing norms, cultures.
I support this post, because I want to embed TikToks in stuff.
This desire is different than making video posts “first class citizens” or turning the forum into a list of video posts (I haven’t thought about this much).
It’s just adding the ability to decorate posts and comments with TikToks without altering existing norms, cultures.
Moar Tiktok.
I think there’s something wrong with my Tiktok, because it’s all cats and opposums right now.
But for examples, here’s some videos with links (I can’t actually embed the videos, which would be good)
Opposums! Link here:
Bathing rescue kittens:
Well, quod erat demonstrandum.