(A) The final level of the match probably does increase our giving to AMF relative to other places, albeit not by the full amount (my back of the envelope is that each £1 given to the match increased our giving to AMF by £0.5), That’s not dissimilar to the structure of the CFAR match.
(B) Most people, even among my heavily selected friends, don’t naturally think in terms of counterfactuals where altruism is involved. Seriously. When conversations I had with people did touch on counterfactuals, the assumption was that the money would donated otherwise.
(C) if something is not unusually disingenuous, it’s probably not actually misleading people, assuming that said people are not too naive. Think over-the-top THIS PRODUCT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE adverts.
A few random observations:
(A) The final level of the match probably does increase our giving to AMF relative to other places, albeit not by the full amount (my back of the envelope is that each £1 given to the match increased our giving to AMF by £0.5), That’s not dissimilar to the structure of the CFAR match.
(B) Most people, even among my heavily selected friends, don’t naturally think in terms of counterfactuals where altruism is involved. Seriously. When conversations I had with people did touch on counterfactuals, the assumption was that the money would donated otherwise.
(C) if something is not unusually disingenuous, it’s probably not actually misleading people, assuming that said people are not too naive. Think over-the-top THIS PRODUCT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE adverts.