When I talked to an AI safety grad student about this, he said that Top 4 CS programs are not funding constrained, but top 10-20 are somewhat.
I’ve never been a grad student, but I suspect that CS grad students are constrained in ways that EA donors could fairly easily fix. They might not be grant-funding-constrained, but they’re probably make-enough-to-feel-financially-secure-constrained or grantwriting-time-constrained, and you could convert AI grad students into AI safety grad students by lifting these constraints for them.
I’ve never been a grad student, but I suspect that CS grad students are constrained in ways that EA donors could fairly easily fix. They might not be grant-funding-constrained, but they’re probably make-enough-to-feel-financially-secure-constrained or grantwriting-time-constrained, and you could convert AI grad students into AI safety grad students by lifting these constraints for them.