Personally I think that informing yourself like you’re doing now is one of the best ways to take away some of the uncertainty anxiety.
At the same time being aware that the best you can do is doing your best. What I mean is if you think the field you’re currently working in will have more impact than anything you could do taking into account the current developments, you can sleep soundly knowing that you’re doing your best as part of the human organism.
For me I have recently shifted my attention to this topic and unless I hear any very convincing arguments to the contrary will be focusing all my available time towards doing whatever I can to help.
Even if there is a high probability that AGI / ASI is approaching a lot faster than we expected and there are substantial risks with it, I think I would find comfort in focusing on what I can control and not worrying about anything outside of that.
How do you prevent dooming? Hard to do my day to day work. I am new to this space but everyday I see people’s timelines get shorter and shorter.
Personally I think that informing yourself like you’re doing now is one of the best ways to take away some of the uncertainty anxiety.
At the same time being aware that the best you can do is doing your best. What I mean is if you think the field you’re currently working in will have more impact than anything you could do taking into account the current developments, you can sleep soundly knowing that you’re doing your best as part of the human organism.
For me I have recently shifted my attention to this topic and unless I hear any very convincing arguments to the contrary will be focusing all my available time towards doing whatever I can to help.
Even if there is a high probability that AGI / ASI is approaching a lot faster than we expected and there are substantial risks with it, I think I would find comfort in focusing on what I can control and not worrying about anything outside of that.