Wish I knew! Corporations and countries are shaped by the same survival of the fittest dynamic, and they’ve turned out less than perfect but mostly fine. AI could be far more intelligent though, and it seems unlikely that our current oversight mechanisms would naturally handle that case. Technical alignment research seems like the better path.
But if technical alignment research concludes that alignment of SAI is impossible? That’s the depressing scenario that I’m starting to contemplate (I think we should at least have a Manhattan Project on alignment following a global Pause to be sure though).
That argument sounds right to me. A recent paper made a similar case: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.16200
What is the plan in this case? Indefinite Pause and scaling back of compute allowances? (Kind of hate that we might be living in the Dune universe.)
Wish I knew! Corporations and countries are shaped by the same survival of the fittest dynamic, and they’ve turned out less than perfect but mostly fine. AI could be far more intelligent though, and it seems unlikely that our current oversight mechanisms would naturally handle that case. Technical alignment research seems like the better path.
But if technical alignment research concludes that alignment of SAI is impossible? That’s the depressing scenario that I’m starting to contemplate (I think we should at least have a Manhattan Project on alignment following a global Pause to be sure though).