I mostly agree with you on the 2nd order consequences. But also, I think a bit of feedback is usually justified even considering the first-order consequences, as I mainly argued in the comment here to Linch’s post, and others had similar comments.
Another perspective: many grant applicants and potentially impactful entrepreneurial EAs may waste a lot of time exploring a very dark space. They may spend a lot of time writing and rewriting proposals.
They do not know whether they are ‘close to being fundable’ or very far from it, so they don’t know:
- When to give up - How much to make backup/fallback plans - How to change their plans/proposal - How much to ‘jump’ in adjusting their proposal in this dark space … whether to make small or large adjustment - In what direction to adjust
I mostly agree with you on the 2nd order consequences. But also, I think a bit of feedback is usually justified even considering the first-order consequences, as I mainly argued in the comment here to Linch’s post, and others had similar comments.
Another perspective: many grant applicants and potentially impactful entrepreneurial EAs may waste a lot of time exploring a very dark space. They may spend a lot of time writing and rewriting proposals.
They do not know whether they are ‘close to being fundable’ or very far from it, so they don’t know:
- When to give up
- How much to make backup/fallback plans
- How to change their plans/proposal
- How much to ‘jump’ in adjusting their proposal in this dark space … whether to make small or large adjustment
- In what direction to adjust