What We Owe the Future: A Flashcard Summaryhttps://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1539708817(Not my deck, but definitely an EA anki deck!)More information here.
Great initiative! Are you thinking of making a “best of”, with perhaps 50 most important, timeless knowledge cards? Would be great!
For exempel I hope that in 50 years we don’t need to know about the 2020 conflict in The Galwan Valley.
Current theme: default
Less Wrong (text)
Less Wrong (link)
What We Owe the Future: A Flashcard Summary
(Not my deck, but definitely an EA anki deck!)
More information here.
Great initiative! Are you thinking of making a “best of”, with perhaps 50 most important, timeless knowledge cards? Would be great!
For exempel I hope that in 50 years we don’t need to know about the 2020 conflict in The Galwan Valley.