Strong agree on earning to give. It’s also just the only EA-relevant career path that’s available to a lot of later-career people who might want to support the movement, but get exasperated when every 80k profile begins ‘Now that you’ve graduated magna cum laude from your elite university...’
Big +1 on this—OFTW does a lot of outreach at big corporations and at e.g. business schools, and people there are often not receptive to changing their career plans; but they can donate and make a huge difference.
Strong agree on earning to give. It’s also just the only EA-relevant career path that’s available to a lot of later-career people who might want to support the movement, but get exasperated when every 80k profile begins ‘Now that you’ve graduated magna cum laude from your elite university...’
Big +1 on this—OFTW does a lot of outreach at big corporations and at e.g. business schools, and people there are often not receptive to changing their career plans; but they can donate and make a huge difference.