Thanks Jack for the structured way of sharing your thoughts on this matter. I’m pretty new in the EA community (<1y) so it helps me get a better understanding on what’s going on.
As a managing director of a local giving org (Doneer Effectief) I fully agree with your thoughts, espacially aiming greater funding diversity. I try to do so, but as you mentioned, we’re very dependent of the EA Infrastructure Fund right now. I’m very open to suggestions to diversify.
Thanks Jack for the structured way of sharing your thoughts on this matter. I’m pretty new in the EA community (<1y) so it helps me get a better understanding on what’s going on.
As a managing director of a local giving org (Doneer Effectief) I fully agree with your thoughts, espacially aiming greater funding diversity. I try to do so, but as you mentioned, we’re very dependent of the EA Infrastructure Fund right now. I’m very open to suggestions to diversify.