AI Game Tree

The Alignment Game Tree is an exercise that starts by first defining the Alignment problem, then iteratively proposing solutions, discovering problems with the solutions, then suggesting patches.

When I encounted this event at EAGx, I couldn’t believe that I’d never done an exercise like this before. It seems like a really good way to rapidly improve your understanding of alignment, although this exercise might not work quite so well if you don’t already have a base understanding of AI safety.

If you’ve got limited time, the core workshop starts at 2:30, so meet us directly at Workspace365.

Current plan:
* 1:30pm—Grab coffee at Batch Expresso, catch up
* 2:20pm Head to Workspace365 Bond
Level 5, 20 Bond Street for the event start
* 2:30pm − 4:30 - Alignment Game Tree

We could even grab food afterwards (covered by funding) if it’s not too early for people.