Besides, I think someone should deeply think about how EAs should react to the possibility of social changes – when we are more likely to reach a tipping point leading to a very impactful event (or, in a more pessimistic tone, where it can escalate into catastrophe).
In my head I am playing with the idea of a network/organization that could loosely, informally represent the general EA community and make some kind of public statement, like an open letter or petition, on our general behalf. It would be newsworthy and send a strong signal to policymakers, organizations etc.
Of course it would have to be carried out to high epistemic standards and with caution that we don’t go making political statements willy nilly or against the views of significant numbers of EAs. But it could be very valuable if used responsibly.
In my head I am playing with the idea of a network/organization that could loosely, informally represent the general EA community and make some kind of public statement, like an open letter or petition, on our general behalf. It would be newsworthy and send a strong signal to policymakers, organizations etc.
Of course it would have to be carried out to high epistemic standards and with caution that we don’t go making political statements willy nilly or against the views of significant numbers of EAs. But it could be very valuable if used responsibly.