[TO POLICYMAKERS] Trying to align very advanced AIs with what we want is a bit like when you try to design a law or a measure to constrain massive companies, such as Google or Amazon, or powerful countries, such as the US or China. You know that when you put a rule in place, they will have enough resources to circumvent it. And you might try as hard as you want, if you didn’t design the AI properly in the first place, you won’t be able to have it make what you want.
Trying to align very advanced AIs with what we want is a bit like when you try to design a law or a measure to constrain massive companies, such as Google or Amazon, or powerful countries, such as the US or China. You know that when you put a rule in place, they will have enough resources to circumvent it. And you might try as hard as you want, if you didn’t design the AI properly in the first place, you won’t be able to have it make what you want.