EAHK Monthly Social: Casual Dinner at Mana!Soho

Come socialize over a casual dinner at Mana! Soho at 7 pm on Friday, October 22nd.

If you’re free earlier, do join us from 6 pm for a social drink at The Globe, just across the street!

Register here so that we have an idea of how many seats to reserve at Mana! https://​​forms.gle/​​mJsR3t7zuYuvJZsTA

Looking forward to seeing you all!

Mana!Soho: 8 Staunton Street, SoHo, Central (https://​​www.mana.hk/​​)

The Globe: 45-53A Graham St, Central (http://​​www.theglobe.com.hk/​​)
