Aside from the bit where you publish something you don’t believe and wouldn’t otherwise write, and how estimates ahead of time might not be that predictive of how funding actually goes, talking about how you plan to do this on the Forum means this probably doesn’t work at all. Someone at the grant making organization sees your harshly critical post, thinks “that’s a really surprising thing to come from Robi”, someone else points out that you’re doing it as an experiment and links your comment, …
Crap. I guess I should’ve posted the above comment from a burner account...
But anyway, serious reply: I thought of all of those problems already, and have several solutions for them. (For example, have someone who is not known to the grantmakers to be connected to me to do the experiment instead of me.) ConcernedEAs, would you accept this experiment if I propose a satisfactory variation, or in principle if it’s not practically workable?
Aside from the bit where you publish something you don’t believe and wouldn’t otherwise write, and how estimates ahead of time might not be that predictive of how funding actually goes, talking about how you plan to do this on the Forum means this probably doesn’t work at all. Someone at the grant making organization sees your harshly critical post, thinks “that’s a really surprising thing to come from Robi”, someone else points out that you’re doing it as an experiment and links your comment, …
Crap. I guess I should’ve posted the above comment from a burner account...
But anyway, serious reply: I thought of all of those problems already, and have several solutions for them. (For example, have someone who is not known to the grantmakers to be connected to me to do the experiment instead of me.) ConcernedEAs, would you accept this experiment if I propose a satisfactory variation, or in principle if it’s not practically workable?