I wrote a post on this a couple of years ago you might find interesting. Basically, my fellow volunteering enthusiasts and I decided it’s useful to consider what you’re looking to get out of volunteering (are you looking to do as much good as possible? or do you want to unwind and meet new people while doing a bit of good?). Then we suggested you come up with as many different possibilities as you can and rate then based on your priorities.
I know a few Effective Altruists who volunteer for different things, whether that’s editing Wikipedia pages, organising events for their local EA group, or answering phones for the Samaritans. I think there are lots of volunteering roles that do good. Whether or not they’re ‘effective’ depends on what else you would otherwise be doing with that time.
I wrote a post on this a couple of years ago you might find interesting. Basically, my fellow volunteering enthusiasts and I decided it’s useful to consider what you’re looking to get out of volunteering (are you looking to do as much good as possible? or do you want to unwind and meet new people while doing a bit of good?). Then we suggested you come up with as many different possibilities as you can and rate then based on your priorities.
I know a few Effective Altruists who volunteer for different things, whether that’s editing Wikipedia pages, organising events for their local EA group, or answering phones for the Samaritans. I think there are lots of volunteering roles that do good. Whether or not they’re ‘effective’ depends on what else you would otherwise be doing with that time.