Thank you for the excellent write up! I will read it slowly over the next few days. This will be very useful to me as I continue to work on forming my own coherent position on “nature” and the source of its value.
Thank you. Biodiversity is of course not the same as nature. I’ll write a follow-up post discussing Maier’s proposal to finding unique value in nature (nothing to do with biodiversity).
Ask first if biodiversity is valuable. There are good reasons to think it is not, at least if properly understood in terms of “diversity”. I wrote a summary of an important but overlooked book here:
Thank you for the excellent write up! I will read it slowly over the next few days. This will be very useful to me as I continue to work on forming my own coherent position on “nature” and the source of its value.
Thank you. Biodiversity is of course not the same as nature. I’ll write a follow-up post discussing Maier’s proposal to finding unique value in nature (nothing to do with biodiversity).
For the record: Jonas did do that here.