If you don’t feel financially secure, it’s likely going to affect your productivity a lot. Financial issues affect one’s mental health, relationships, children, etc.
In my own experience, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of financial security much more than when I was young, in particular to being able to make a sustainable impact and a bigger impact in the future.
Agreed. Put differently: you’ll give more if you have a positive relationship with giving, and you’re more likely to have that positive relationship in your high-earning years if you’re personally secure.
Another thought: fewer people will follow your example if they see you struggling.
If you don’t feel financially secure, it’s likely going to affect your productivity a lot. Financial issues affect one’s mental health, relationships, children, etc.
In my own experience, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of financial security much more than when I was young, in particular to being able to make a sustainable impact and a bigger impact in the future.
Agreed. Put differently: you’ll give more if you have a positive relationship with giving, and you’re more likely to have that positive relationship in your high-earning years if you’re personally secure.
Another thought: fewer people will follow your example if they see you struggling.