In-Person Petrov Day Celebration

Please register here to attend:​​3YzKcXu

September 26th is Petrov Day—a day to celebrate Earth’s current existence despite the high risks posed in the Cold War Era. (Further elaboration of this holiday can be found below in the description)

Save the Date and join the Effective Altruism community in celebrating life!

More details to follow shortly.

On September 26th, 1983, Soviet Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Yevgrafovich Petrov played a critical role in preventing nuclear holocaust by correctly ignoring false reports of “incoming US missile launches.” Instead of following protocol to pass on the reports (an action that likely would have led to retaliatory strikes and full-scale nuclear war), Petrov confirmed that the reports were made in error and did not escalate the situation. The holiday celebrates the close call and reminds us of the importance of international cooperation and technology policy.

You can find more on the topic here:


Please register here to attend:​3YzKcXu



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For those new to effective altruism, here are a couple of good introductions. In short, EA is about using evidence to carefully analyze how, given limited resources, we can help others the *most*.


† Banner photo attribute †

DoD photo by: STAFF SGT. SCOTT WAGERS, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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